D17 allis.....

How light can you get a D17 Series III? I have a set of tires/rims that are pressed steel, and I am thinking of a narrow front. Anyone know where to get a narrow front for a D17? Are they easy to come by? Will a narrow front off of a D14 fit? Engine is a 262 gas....6 cyl....we did that conversion a while back....also looking for a 6Cyl. diesel head that is not cracked.....I want to put original motor back in someday....
hi, i have a d17 without rear hydraulic housing, narrow front, 226 gaz, 18.3 x 26 rear and the weight is 3950 pound. I still have hydr pump and maybe it is possible to remove easily 100 pound. i have a plate in the back(1/4 of an inch) and i have a D15 pto (shorter)so it is possible to work the tractor on dyno. I have rear weights bracket.

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