DC case carb


I bought a D C not running. I put a 12 volts alternator on it, then thought I would rebuild the carb. Got a kit and cleaned carb, got kit installed and put back on tractor. Now when I turn gas on it floods tractor and run out bottom of carb. Took off 4 or 5 times to try to fix, but no change. Then I took it apart again and put old needle and seat back in (didn't leak before I took it apart first time). Guess what, now old needle and seat are leaking ( won't shut gas off). Took apart again and bent float down and still does not shut gas off. Anybody have any ideas what to try next. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Look at the bottom side of the float. Do you see any scuffing marks? I had the same problem and the float was sticking to the lower carb body. Even if you cant see scuffs try spreading the 2 floats a little to make sure they arent rubbing on the inside of a carb. I had another guy last week that had the same trouble. Wondering if aftermarket floats are not sized quit right. I took mine off 15-20 times before I figured it out.
I bought a D C not running. I put a 12 volts alternator on it, then thought I would rebuild the carb. Got a kit and cleaned carb, got kit installed and put back on tractor. Now when I turn gas on it floods tractor and run out bottom of carb. Took off 4 or 5 times to try to fix, but no change. Then I took it apart again and put old needle and seat back in (didn't leak before I took it apart first time). Guess what, now old needle and seat are leaking ( won't shut gas off). Took apart again and bent float down and still does not shut gas off. Anybody have any ideas what to try next. Thanks for any help you can give me.
why are you bending the float when u have no idea where it has to sit ? with the top half upside with the float installed it must sit level. ten there is the float drop adjustment too check also. it cannot be dropping and sitting on the bottom of the bowl. leave the float bowl off and install the carb open the sediment valve and lightly hold the float up there should be no gas dripping . another ting shake the float to see if it has gas inside, if so it junk and get a new float. and if you are bending the float down you are multiplying your problem ! it has to sit LEVEL to the carb base. thats all there is to adjust a float. is that the steel needle or the rubber tipped needle ?
both the above posters have given good advice. I would add check the float pin to make sure it is not sticking.
Thanks everyone for the for the suggestestions. It will be a couple weeks before I cane try them, we started chopping silage yesterday

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