For the last 3-4 years I ve been growing sweetcorn for road side stand in front of my house and every year I ve got better at growing with weed and insect management. I have an old pull behind sprayer with 26 boom for weed control and plays well with my 4R38 planter and covers 8 rows in a sprayer pass. I ve been using a backpack sprayer for earworm control using a mix of BT and Spinosad which works quite well and is a lot safer than some other insecticides. Last season I was up to a little over 3 acres of sweetcorn and the backpack sprayer was a LOT of work between hauling water and walking rows spraying two at a time. I need to come up with something to save time.
There is a Deere 700 sprayer that s been listed for $2500 but looks to be in good shape and the seller is claiming everything works as it should. Not sure what the boom length is but would cut my spraying time by a lot and has clearance to go over the top of tasseled sweet corn. I m not talking a lot of acres and I m not concerned with spray tank volume and in all reality I can get by with a <30 gal tank. I think $2500 is maybe a little too much but not terrible price either as long as everything works as advertised. I have no problems with replacing some hoses if needed. Seems like there is a big price jump between these old self propelled sprayers and the next generation deere 6000 sprayers and for what I m doing I can t really justify the price.
Local co-op isn t interested in spraying sweetcorn for me, too much risk with not getting cleaned out thoroughly for them and just a lot of time invested WD on their end for such small loads and acres.
There is a Deere 700 sprayer that s been listed for $2500 but looks to be in good shape and the seller is claiming everything works as it should. Not sure what the boom length is but would cut my spraying time by a lot and has clearance to go over the top of tasseled sweet corn. I m not talking a lot of acres and I m not concerned with spray tank volume and in all reality I can get by with a <30 gal tank. I think $2500 is maybe a little too much but not terrible price either as long as everything works as advertised. I have no problems with replacing some hoses if needed. Seems like there is a big price jump between these old self propelled sprayers and the next generation deere 6000 sprayers and for what I m doing I can t really justify the price.
Local co-op isn t interested in spraying sweetcorn for me, too much risk with not getting cleaned out thoroughly for them and just a lot of time invested WD on their end for such small loads and acres.