Deutz Allis 5215 Starter Wiring


New User
I have a 1990 Deutz Allis 5215 tractor, had it for over 20 years. It's a 18hp 3 cylinder diesel engine and not beautiful but it does the work around my home very well. Mostly use it when we do mulch because we use over 125 cubic yards every other year.

Couple weeks ago I went to use it and the battery was dead, needed a new one so when I replaced the battery I also replaced the starter because the solenoid had been giving some issues, figured it was a good time to do that as well.

Well I seem to have lost a wire when I was replacing the starter. The diagram for it shows a wire going from the solenoid to the clutch safety switch but I can for the life of me find it? I have been all over that tractor 3 times and a ghost must have zapped it into oblivion. I get 12V to the switch but will NOT engage the starter (no click on the solenoid). I did a test with a wire from a 12V source to the solenoid non battery wire side and the solenoid engages that way.

I've attached 2 pictures, one of the tractor and the tractor wiring diagram.

Does anyone know where the wire that goes from the solenoid to the clutch safety switch is? What color it is?

This wire seems to just have disappeared!


1990 Deutz Allis 5215 Wiring Diagram.jpg
I have a 1990 Deutz Allis 5215 tractor, had it for over 20 years. It's a 18hp 3 cylinder diesel engine and not beautiful but it does the work around my home very well. Mostly use it when we do mulch because we use over 125 cubic yards every other year.

Couple weeks ago I went to use it and the battery was dead, needed a new one so when I replaced the battery I also replaced the starter because the solenoid had been giving some issues, figured it was a good time to do that as well.

Well I seem to have lost a wire when I was replacing the starter. The diagram for it shows a wire going from the solenoid to the clutch safety switch but I can for the life of me find it? I have been all over that tractor 3 times and a ghost must have zapped it into oblivion. I get 12V to the switch but will NOT engage the starter (no click on the solenoid). I did a test with a wire from a 12V source to the solenoid non battery wire side and the solenoid engages that way.

I've attached 2 pictures, one of the tractor and the tractor wiring diagram.

Does anyone know where the wire that goes from the solenoid to the clutch safety switch is? What color it is?

This wire seems to just have disappeared!

View attachment 80540

View attachment 80545
Welcome to the forums.

The colors and color key are on the diagram you posted. The wire colors are the letters showing alongside the wires on the drawing. The wiring diagram shows you there is a white wire/black strip (Wh/Bk) that goes from the ignition switch to the clutch pedal switch then to the PTO safety switch then to the starter solenoid. You need to look and see if the colors given on the diagram match yours. Unfortunately, colors do not always match what diagrams show. Follow the drawing wire from the ignition switch to the clutch switch and follow the wires to the PTO safety switch then to the wires from the PTO switch that should go to the solenoid.

As for where the end of the wire for the starter solenoid is. You are going to have to look for the missing wire end. You unhooked it, I didn't. Remember, no one here can see your tractor to look for it for you. It could not have gone far, as long as you did not remove and throw any wires away. Is it down behind the starter? Did you by chance land it on a wrong terminal? Has it fallen back in the direction of the PTO safety switch?
Welcome to the forums.

The colors and color key are on the diagram you posted. The wire colors are the letters showing alongside the wires on the drawing. The wiring diagram shows you there is a white wire/black strip (Wh/Bk) that goes from the ignition switch to the clutch pedal switch then to the PTO safety switch then to the starter solenoid. You need to look and see if the colors given on the diagram match yours. Unfortunately, colors do not always match what diagrams show. Follow the drawing wire from the ignition switch to the clutch switch and follow the wires to the PTO safety switch then to the wires from the PTO switch that should go to the solenoid.

As for where the end of the wire for the starter solenoid is. You are going to have to look for the missing wire end. You unhooked it, I didn't. Remember, no one here can see your tractor to look for it for you. It could not have gone far, as long as you did not remove and throw any wires away. Is it down behind the starter? Did you by chance land it on a wrong terminal? Has it fallen back in the direction of the PTO safety switch?
Thanks for the reply.

The frustrating part of this is that the wires are not easy to see and most of them are covered in dirt and grim. I have looked 3 times for the wire but I am definitely missing it somewhere. By the time I got done yesterday I was tired so have start with a new approach!
Thanks for the reply.

The frustrating part of this is that the wires are not easy to see and most of them are covered in dirt and grim. I have looked 3 times for the wire but I am definitely missing it somewhere. By the time I got done yesterday I was tired so have start with a new approach!
Perhaps a good cleaning is due after you get it going. Do not spray water on a hot engine, do it when the engine is cool. A good degreasing soap and pressure washer used regularly, can do wonders and make maintenance easier.

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