deutz fahr or fendt

Have a Deutz Fahr Agrofarm 100. 2008 bought new. 1635 hours and has been trouble free. Easy on fuel with light work and uses more with heavier work. Little as 6 tenths of a gph and as much as 3.5 gph. Full torque at 1200 rpms. 540 and 1000 pto speed with shifter in the cab. Take a few bolts out to change to 1000 shaft. All wheel independent braking, hook and ball 3 point arms and top link, 20 speed forward and 20 reverse and shuttle on the column. Push button on stick or clutch pedal on the 5 speed stick. Tier 3 engine and go 500 hours per oil change using ulsd fuel.( I did oil samples to verify oil change time) Have started at -5 with no problem or coolant heater. Cab, air, heat and radio. Has 5 speeds of creeper gears is really nice for hooking 3 point equipment, running tiller as well as the ball and hook system. FWA and has a switch that will lock in all 4 wheels if needed. Full throttle will run 32 mph on highway. It is made by SAME and not all with Deutz Fahr have a Deutz Fahr engine. The Agroplus models don't. Sorry to get long but the tractor has a lot of features. And unlike some brands there was no extra charge for those features. They were standard.

Fendt has been owned by Agco since 1996, Duetz-Fahr is owned by SAME, Duetz AG is a separate company that split from the tractor portion decades ago. Duetz AG is primarily an engine manufacturer and the original company created after the invention of the Otto cycle ICE.

Fendt does use engines from Duetz AG. Yes they are water cooled, Duetz produces air, oil and water cooled engines.

For those wondering, "AG" does not stand for agriculture, it's an abbreviation of Aktiengesellschaft, which in Germany is a public limited corporation.

Aside from that, I'd the OP was just asking about the two different brands, I would say the Fendts are excellent, while the Duetz I can't comment on, but would hesitate to buy one based on lack of support.

Fendt has been owned by Agco since 1996, Duetz-Fahr is owned by SAME, Duetz AG is a separate company that split from the tractor portion decades ago. Duetz AG is primarily an engine manufacturer and the original company created after the invention of the Otto cycle ICE.

Fendt does use engines from Duetz AG. Yes they are water cooled, Duetz produces air, oil and water cooled engines.

For those wondering, "AG" does not stand for agriculture, it's an abbreviation of Aktiengesellschaft, which in Germany is a public limited corporation.

Aside from that, I'd the OP was just asking about the two different brands, I would say the Fendts are excellent, while the Duetz I can't comment on, but would hesitate to buy one based on lack of support.
(quoted from post at 17:44:53 08/24/16)
..., Duetz-Fahr ...., Duetz AG is a .... Duetz AG is ......from Duetz AG. ..., Duetz produces air, ...

...the Duetz I can't ....

It's [b:d87cb490f3]D E U T Z, D E U T Z, D E U T Z[/b:d87cb490f3] !!!!! Not "Duetz".
Correctly pronounced "Doytz".


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