Did you use your tractor today?

Pushing brush and bull dozing trees today with the Oliver 1650. I had fun. Ran into a hedge fence post. I bought farm in 1981 and that fence post was still in great shape. No rot anywhere.
Had a evergreen stump off to one side of the south field. Chained and began a easy pull and release. It was coming out but had a root system 10 feet diameter. Finally got it out and so wide it wouldn't in the bucket, so I had to push it way back in the brush and then fill the hole it came out of.

I've got to learn to take pictures. I've cleared so much of pasture it looks like it could used a field.
AND, doing some search for a smaller tractor I found a man who has old, old Allis-Chalmers, a real old International M, a Massey Furguson 202 with end loader and 3 old Ford tractors. Each one of the Fords were different. One had a large PTO shaft and one a 3 speed. 2 lacked 3 pt hitch parts. Another lacked a bunch of parts and one missing the exhaust manifold and valve cover.. The one with the large PTO was runable, but looked to have different motor. And not any of then for 4 Sale.
So I'm still looking for a smaller tractor.
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Mowed the road ditch in front of house with the AWS JD. Can't remember the number 537? maybe. Wife does all the mowing except the ditch. To steep for her.
Planted the garden last Sunday. Sweet corn, beans, and popcorn planted and fertilized with the planter. Mark the rows for the other stuff.


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Just purchased this IH 504 in march and this Hesston 1091 last fall!

Took the day off of medical school to go and cut my hay field for the first time! I spent weeks going over the tractor and the haybine to make sure everything was ready for today and they did great!


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Little bigger than the 2 row currently on my Super C. I don't think I have ever seen front mount cultivators cover that many rows.
You guys are just making me more depressed. My left knee gave out in March during maple sugaring, can't push a clutch more than a few times without hurting. I have let my haying out to the neighbors. I'm hobbling around still trying to clean up the sugarhouse. Haven't even gotten the garden going yet.

I did hook up a trailer to the Farmall 504 yesterday and haul another load of water to the sugarhouse. Five starts and stops and a half a dozen gear shifts, plus climbing on and off, was enough for one day.

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