Did you use your tractor today?

Mowed about 7 acres yesterday from 11 to 2:30 with the Farmall C and New Idea 30a . Kicked out one rabbit . Back by the woods after three rounds there was two Turkey hens and their chicks that came out of the unmowed field. I stopped to watch, they seemed to pay no attention to me . One hen went back into the unmowed . I wonder if she had chick still in there. She did, they came out Finally. I put the C down into first gear and moved up closer. Got pretty close and the chick flew off into the woods close.
I tell you they are very hard to see. They don’t show any signs they are in there. Not or little movement of hay as they go though it. The chicks in the hay flew up out as I got closer.
I was disappointed with the new seat cushion bushing I got off eBay ,wore out quick. Don’t think I got ten acres out of them .


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Yesterday, I cut down two dead oak trees on a neighbors property that I take care of. I hauled the smaller limbs off with my 1942 Case SC and old wooden wagon to my brush pile, then used my 1974 Case 646 to push the brush pile. And my 1936 Case L to drag the logs to another neighbor who I asked if he wanted them for firewood since he heats with wood. Then, I mowed a field with my Case 1170. Sorry I didn't get any pics

I have been intending to post these pictures but just getting a chance now in the break of things. Spraying corn earlier on in the season with the CIH 7120 and 3pt 65 ft sprayer.

Plowing some of the corn with our '67 JD 3020 PS. That was quite enjoyable. Picture was taken during a drivers Ed class while teaching my son about how to do.

Planting soybeans with a CIH 5200 grain drill being pulled by a CIH 5230.

Finally could catch up a little bit with field work for a bit and got all of the yards sprayed for fire ants with the Farmall 140 and FH sprayer.
Cultivating? I haven't seen anyone cultivating corn or beans since I was kid. Won't never forget that. The International H had a 2 row cultivator and you didn't drive that H. You herded it down the rows. Steering gear was so worn that near half turn of steering wheel was needed to herd that tractor. Oh, not to forget, on that same H, the spring for the clutch pedal would come off and no clutch to shift gears. Try cultivating with that. Had to slow down at the end of the rows, raise cultivator, turn to get lined up for the next pass, gas it and drop cultivator.

I still have 2 row cultivator for a H. It's at the end of field, over grown with brush and trees. I parked it there near 40 years ago. I bought our small farm lock, stock and barrel. The H came with the sell and the cultivator on it. Memories of my uncle's H, I never cultivated again. And bought H was pain. No matter what the clutch would slip some until I used the tractor some. Warmed up I could go all day and never have clutch slip.
Man I sold it to loved it. He had pull behind 2 bottom plow. Same thing, clutch would slip and warmed up it wouldn't slip.
What was that old saying? An M was a better 3 bottom plow tractor than the H was a 2 bottom plow tractor.
the lawn's not long enough yet to justify pulling the finish mower around, but i would have loved to play with my new Scag. unfortunately, the lack of any breeze + the worst mosquitos in several years decided i'd be more comfortable at my desk. :(
the lawn's not long enough yet to justify pulling the finish mower around, but i would have loved to play with my new Scag. unfortunately, the lack of any breeze + the worst mosquitos in several years decided i'd be more comfortable at my desk. :(
They started spraying the soybeans for aphids here so that took care most of the mosquitoes.

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