diesel leak from under fuel injection pump


I finally got my farmtrac 555 going thanks all the folks here. I was using just a bit picking up limbs with loader and after i got off noticed deisel leaking from a bolt attached to frame under the fuel injection pump. I'm sending picture to see if anyone knows I need to do.


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Rush, after assisting you with the burnt wiring on your tractor to get it to the point of it being temporarily wired to take the tech school for completion of the wiring harness repair here is what I will say. Take this however you want, to repair this the way that will cost you the least amount of money, unless you see fuel leak is from a loose hose clamp, do not touch anything else on the fuel system and have the tech school fix that as well. Have a good evening!
Rush, after assisting you with the burnt wiring on your tractor to get it to the point of it being temporarily wired to take the tech school for completion of the wiring harness repair here is what I will say. Take this however you want, to repair this the way that will cost you the least amount of money, unless you see fuel leak is from a loose hose clamp, do not touch anything else on the fuel system and have the tech school fix that as well. Have a good evening!
Rush, after assisting you with the burnt wiring on your tractor to get it to the point of it being temporarily wired to take the tech school for completion of the wiring harness repair here is what I will say. Take this however you want, to repair this the way that will cost you the least amount of money, unless you see fuel leak is from a loose hose clamp, do not touch anything else on the fuel system and have the tech school fix that as well. Have a good evening!
well someone had posted something that answered my question; but nonetheless im not doing anything until I take it to the school. therefore I won't ask.any more questions

thanks to all
well someone had posted something that answered my question; but nonetheless im not doing anything until I take it to the school. therefore I won't ask.any more questions

thanks to all
Rush; Pull up your big boy pants and ignore the sarcastic comments. Ask all the questions you want! That's what this forum is for! Most of the guys will bend over backwards trying to help and some of us ornery old codjer's ain't always polite but that's just human nature.

I know nothing about a Farmtrac but will offer a general suggestion or two. First off get some brake cleaner and wash it off good. Then look closely for wet spots. If you don't see any crank it up and look again. Could be just something loose or a bad line. You need to find the leak first to determine what to do about it. You'll probably have to clean it several times to see exactly what it is. Do that and post back.

BTW, it won't hurt to use the tractor with a small fuel drip. We've all done that and sometimes for years.
To aid your search for the leak, after cleaning, dust the area with flour or corn starch. It will show up much better and in fact dust as it's leaking to pinpoint it. You can put the flour in your hand and blow on it to dust, just don't suck in near it.
To aid your search for the leak, after cleaning, dust the area with flour or corn starch. It will show up much better and in fact dust as it's leaking to pinpoint it. You can put the flour in your hand and blow on it to dust, just don't suck in near it.

I did what you said and sure enough it wasn't where I thought it was. I'll send you a picture and show it to you.


  • 20240820_160451.jpg
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I did what you said and sure enough it wasn't where I thought it was. I'll send you a picture and show it to you.
fluid is coming out from the middle of that bracket that have the two nuts attaching it. it does have a tiny bit of rust but nothing major. I'm not gonna do anything because I have no idea of what it is for and don't want to break bolt getting it off. Taking it to vocational school and they will know.
Fuel is leaking down the bracket from the injection pump above it
The bracket bolts to the block and the coolant jacket is inside the block behind those bolts
The bolt holes do not extend into the coolant system
Meant no offense but a leak around the injection pump can be coming from nearly a dozen different places, half could be simple line or fitting leaks easy to fix, the other half could be complex pump issues that would possibly require removing and disassembling the injection pump
That’s why I said take it to the school, let them find the source of the leak and determine what repair is needed
Meant no offense but a leak around the injection pump can be coming from nearly a dozen different places, half could be simple line or fitting leaks easy to fix, the other half could be complex pump issues that would possibly require removing and disassembling the injection pump
That’s why I said take it to the school, let them find the s
Meant no offense but a leak around the injection pump can be coming from nearly a dozen different places, half could be simple line or fitting leaks easy to fix, the other half could be complex pump issues that would possibly require removing and disassembling the injection pump
That’s why I said take it to the school, let them find the source of the leak and determine what repair is needed
I didn't take it that way at all. I was just teasing you . I appreciate all yall do.

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