Disk Info for JD70


New User
Hi I have JD 70 Gas that i just Picked up and would like to do some field work with it . Can any one tell me what size disk i can handel with this tractor also what brand and model should i look for and what kind of price range for a older one. Any info on all of this Will be great thank you !
Probably something like a 8 to 12 ft width JD B, BW, R, RW tandem disk or other brand you can find. Earlier ones would work too but won"t have transport wheels and made lighter for less hp. If have 3 point hitch and small acreage with your wheels set in might just want a small 3 point disk too.
Price depends on local demand in your area. I"ve seen small drag type disks bringing way more than I thought they were worth last few years. Then large disks were going cheap and people were buying them to cut up and build 3 point disks with but the extra metal and supplies needed doesn"t save much if any.

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