Disk or Drum Mower sizing on a Fordson Dexta


New User
Hello all,

I was hoping for some advice on picking the right mower for my fordson dexta. I'm in the process of buying a fordson dexta (non-super) and I'm starting to keep an eye about for kit of appropriate size ready for next year (it gives me time to work on it over winter). There is limited information out there so far as to recomended sizes and maximum sizes of drum and disk mowers. I'd love to have a disk mower but due to my budget at the moment I'm looking at drums for now but if you have any input on either do please let me know as it might be helpful in time.

I have a CM165 that's been sat for a few years. Is it worth me digging it out and tidying it up for use or should I look to swap it for a CM135 or something like that? Does the dexta have the power for a 165?

Another question is will a bigger mower hanging off the back make the front end too light when running down the road or is that not something to worry about with these sizes?

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: having dug out the 165 it's abit past it. So I'm more curious than ever islf anyone has thoughts.
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Hitch it on and try it out. It should spin it, might not go 10 MPH, but you'll be mowing hay.

You can add weights if needed.
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Hitch it on and try it out. It should spin it, might not go 10 MPH, but you'll be mowing hay.

You can add weights if needed.
Thnakyou for replying so swiftly! Unfortunately it is abit far gone. Been sat there rather longer than I thought... tha you gor the suggestion tho
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Well you have the 165 so hook up to it and see how that Dexta handles the weight
It doesn’t take much power to operate a drum or disc mower, but their heavy so the longer the bar is on the mower the bigger the tractor needs to be to counterbalance that weight
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I suspect you could mow with it ok, but I doubt it keeps the front wheels on the ground when trying to transport it. Try the one you have, but I don't think it will work well unless it's perfectly flat. Even then, it may be questionable.
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