Does anyone know the Rear Remote hydraulic size for a Case 380LL/CK? (David Brown 885)


My Case 380 LL/CK has the rear remote quick connection or rear auxiliary quick connection. However I can't determine the size of that quick connect, it is a female connection plumbed to a levered valve. The service manual doesn't give the size, I also have a parts breakdown but that is not listed. The previous owner purchased it new in 76 and it came with them but they never used the rear remote hydraulics. The reason I'm asking is that I want to add a hydraulic top link to use with a box blade I just recently purchased.

Hello gig.. welcome to YT! I think you will need what are referred to as “Pioneer” type couplers. They’re the common type for ag use standardized probably about the time your tractor came out. There is really not a size, any size associated with them is for the fitting size of hose that will screw onto it. 1/2” NPT (tapered pipe thread) is the most common.
I was able to get photos of the coupler, so is this a "pioneer"? The odd thing about this tractor is that it is categorized under the landscape/construction side and not AG side so things are sometimes different about it. Hopefully this will help with identification. Delayed reply but am needing to use the box blade soon and looking to order a hydraulic top link.


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Go to the farm store of your choice and buy a Pioneer nipple, save your sales receipt just in case, and try it out to see if it works. I like the type that has a ball on the end. Your type of holder will make it easier to hook and unhook your hose. A little cleaning and oil, making sure the little balls are free, will help the couplers accept the nipples.
Go to the farm store of your choice and buy a Pioneer nipple, save your sales receipt just in case, and try it out to see if it works. I like the type that has a ball on the end. Your type of holder will make it easier to hook and unhook your hose. A little cleaning and oil, making sure the little balls are free, will help the couplers accept the nipples.
Yeah that is a good idea, I'll give that a go.

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