Does Anyone need a Repair Manual for Ford 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 Tractors


Gentlemen: I have a '75 Ford 4000 SU Diesel.

When I bought it, the old boy that I bought it from was a gear head, and someone who took pride of ownership in his machine.

And so, with the tractor, he gave me a several hundred page original Ford Tractor Repair manual, covering Ford 2000-7000 tractors (images below).

It was published in '64 with supplements often added, up until '71 for the 7000.

I've never seen it online. Does it exist online?

If not, is it the kind of thing that would be useful?

I'd be happy to try and scan it as a gift to the community that helps me so much, but it's hundreds of pages and will cost a pretty penny to so, so I don't want to do it if it already exists online, or if something better exists.

(FWIW I also have the operator's manual for the 4000, and the operator's manual for the attached Ford 730 loader, but I think they're pretty widely available online).

It's a very detailed shop manual. See images below and let me know if you think it would be useful for people. I've added some thumbnails of random pages, just to give an idea of the type of thing that's in there. (Click to enlarge)



Thanks, Grant (Edited for clarity, spelling, grammar and general carelessness ;)
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That looks like the standard Ford Repair manual for the 1965+ thousand series. The ones that I've seen cover the 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 7000 series tractors. The first page inside the cover should say what series it covers. The "New Model" updates section covers the changes made on 4/1/1968, as a lot changed on that date. I have a scanned copy in a PDF that I got off of ebay for around $10.00. That was a little over 15 years ago.
Yes, that's probably near enough the same one Sean.

Mine is published '66, and covers 2000-5000, with 7000 as a supplement, published in '71.

Glad to know it's out there because frankly I wasn't looking forward to scanning it :)

For future readers, if anyone needs help with it, get in touch.

I picked up a service manual from Peaceful Creek, and appears to be a reprint of scans (actually pretty decent) of what you have. Another option. Don’t mean to step on your toes gmcinnes


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No stepping on toes at all. It wasn't something I was looking forward to doing :)

I just hadn't seen it out there before myself, so I thought I'd offer to try and give something back. The people here have probably saved me weeks worth of work and research over the years.

The quality of yours does look very good. TBH it probably looks *better* than mine. Scanned from a cleaner source, I suppose. Mine is definitely yellowing.
No stepping on toes at all. It wasn't something I was looking forward to doing :)

I just hadn't seen it out there before myself, so I thought I'd offer to try and give something back. The people here have probably saved me weeks worth of work and research over the years.

The quality of yours does look very good. TBH it probably looks *better* than mine. Scanned from a cleaner source, I suppose. Mine is definitely yellowing.
There are a few pages (at least) of mine that are marked up with grease from the donor copy they scanned 😄

When I saw the color copies of yours it made me check mine to see if I had color or shades of grey
There's only a few pages with color. TBH I don't know why they colorized what they did. The ones that are in color (like this one) often seem easy enough to understand without the color, and then there are other places where it would have been useful, but it's only black and white. 🤷‍♂️

Still, I'm always astounded at the work that went into these manuals. Technical writing is stupid hard. And the illustrations even harder.

I have a friend that does illustrations for medical textbooks, and until I saw her work I didn't understand that you had to be a fantastic artist, draughtsman and have a really detailed understanding of how the things you're drawing work to be able to produce something useful.
I gave a manual like that to my brother
I have the larger 5 volume set that includes the industrial models

Top right 5 volume thousand series service manuals
Top left 10 series service manuals
Bottom left to right 65-75 thousand series parts, 76-81 -600 series parts, 82-90 10 series 3 cylinder parts, 82-92 10 series 4 cylinder parts, Stephen book is 30 series 3 cylinder parts, small book on far right with red strip is 55-64 parts
I gave a manual like that to my brother
I have the larger 5 volume set that includes the industrial models
View attachment 71371

Top right 5 volume thousand series service manuals
Top left 10 series service manuals
Bottom left to right 65-75 thousand series parts, 76-81 -600 series parts, 82-90 10 series 3 cylinder parts, 82-92 10 series 4 cylinder parts, Stephen book is 30 series 3 cylinder parts, small book on far right with red strip is 55-64 parts

Wow. No wonder you're the man with the answers:)

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