Dug out the sap gathering trailer today

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well the Maples are all tapped as of this morning. This afternoon we dug out our two gathering trailers. the one behind my 440 is one my dad built using a chassis of an old Case 105 pto spreader. The other unit is mounted on an older T8 ground drive spreader. Last winter I brought them into my shop and gave both of them some much needed TLC, and updated paint.

Hi Loren, I hope you get to stay in the 430 and drive while younger legs are out gathering and dumping buckets. I Enjoy the progress of the tapping season pics, Rod.
Loren, planning on being in your area on the 25th, would it be alright to stop by if you're not to busy to see operation in action. Hope you are feeling some better.

Mike, must be you and Jon have gotten together on the phone. Looking forward to seeing the both of you on the 25th. Send me an e-mail with what you want, and I will try to have your order ready for you. The cream and candy, are made here at the house by the wifey, and will need to be made ahead of time.

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