Dusk to dawn light


Well-known Member
I bought a Harbor Breeze 110v dusk to dawn outside light for my flag that had a Feit Halogen bulb in it. Those bulbs only lasted a couple months except the last one I bought which only lasted a couple weeks. I have tried solar lights and they aren't bright enough and they won't stay on all night Except short winter month and then they are really dim, forget about long summer nights. Is there any other bub I can use? that Halogen gets really hot and I think it just burns it's self up. Those bulbs are expensive. What are some of you using?
Two years and counting in central Ohio


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I bought a Harbor Breeze 110v dusk to dawn outside light for my flag that had a Feit Halogen bulb in it. Those bulbs only lasted a couple months except the last one I bought which only lasted a couple weeks. I have tried solar lights and they aren't bright enough and they won't stay on all night Except short winter month and then they are really dim, forget about long summer nights. Is there any other bub I can use? that Halogen gets really hot and I think it just burns it's self up. Those bulbs are expensive. What are some of you using?
I took apart many mercury dusk to dawn lights. Used just the light sensor. Removed the ballast . Install a smaller bulb base so I could use a LED Cob light or even a 60 watt LED equivalent .
The bulbs seems to last a very long time.
Uses less electricity.

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