Early cub PTO stopped working


Well-known Member
So I was mowing the mini horse pen this evening and the PTO jumped out of gear 3 pr 4 times and the last time it did it will not go back into gear. Ever since I have had it I have had to use a bungee cord to hold it in gear so I think it was already on it's way out. So what might I be looking as to fix this and how deep into the rear end/transmission area do I need to go to fix this.
I had mine out of the tractor this year to change the oil seal so its pretty easy to get out. If I remember right there is a set screw on the right side of the unit as you face it that keeps the lever engaged with the collar that moves the unit in and out of gear. The details are a little fuzzy since I'm not near the tractor but I'd take a look for that screw and try adjusting it.
It is a simple spline clutch with a groove that a pin runs in to shift in/out. not complex. First assess the linkage as described above, then the sliding "clutch w/splines" It is inside where the lever shaft is located. Jim
So I was mowing the mini horse pen this evening and the PTO jumped out of gear 3 pr 4 times and the last time it did it will not go back into gear. Ever since I have had it I have had to use a bungee cord to hold it in gear so I think it was already on it's way out. So what might I be looking as to fix this and how deep into the rear end/transmission area do I need to go to fix this.
put some atf in it . not telling either, as if someone else asked you would have an answer.
It is a simple spline clutch with a groove that a pin runs in to shift in/out. not complex. First assess the linkage as described above, then the sliding "clutch w/splines" It is inside where the lever shaft is located. Jim
Spline clutch or spline coupler?? I have the I-T manual but haven't look in it as of yet since I know it will be a day or 2 before I can do any thing with it since I have to work tomorrow
Spline clutch or spline coupler?? I have the I-T manual but haven't look in it as of yet since I know it will be a day or 2 before I can do any thing with it since I have to work tomorrow
Why do some people spend time asking questions when all they have to do is get to it and at it ? There is nothing hard involved if you’re mechanically inclined.
Why do some people spend time asking questions when all they have to do is get to it and at it ? There is nothing hard involved if you’re mechanically inclined.
Because sometimes there's some goofy little trick that can keep you from losing some irreplaceable part that only someone with experience knows about.
Hey Old.....the PTO is fairly simple to pull and replace the shaft if the splines are worn. Unfortunately......the most common issue is the input shaft from motor to transmission is probably worn out on the end that couples to the PTO shaft. That requires a split tractor and finding a good replacement shaft. You will also need a few seals and bearings. I have those numbers if you are in need of them. Or you can listen to "Rustred" who has probably never seen a cub much less worked on 65-70 like I have 🤣🤣. Call me if you need a little real help with this.
So I was mowing the mini horse pen this evening and the PTO jumped out of gear 3 pr 4 times and the last time it did it will not go back into gear. Ever since I have had it I have had to use a bungee cord to hold it in gear so I think it was already on it's way out. So what might I be looking as to fix this and how deep into the rear end/transmission area do I need to go to fix this.
On my youngest son's Cub, the external pto shaft slid out enough that the coupler where the on & off lever flips the engagement to would not catch to make a good contact where it would work. There are 2 different external shafts according to the parts book. The early ones have for lack of better description a series of spot welds to hold against the outside plate bearing so it will not withdraw from the unit. This was Cameron's issue. The spot welds were gone. We wire welded some more and that fixed it. The later ones have an actual shoulder I believe for the bearing to fit up against. I could be wrong on the later part as I have not had a newer one in hand to compare the difference. Just something to check out while you're in there as that possibly could contribute to the problem.

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