Engine swap VS tractor value


Well-known Member
I know that on classic cars that having an engine block with mismatched VIN from the body severly lowers the value of the car. Does an engine swap or even base block of like engines alter the value of our antique tractors? What about a larger engine than originally came in the tractor but is a direct bolt in?
my reply would be, for instance compare a DCS and a DC3, If the DCS is totally restored with the (Numbers Matching) restoration, then the value would be higher. On the much more common DC3, I don't think that the value would be of very little difference.
I understand your thinking exactly, but the high dollar automobiles frequently have different engines, transmissions, brakes, wheels, etc. than they did on day one.

With tractors, at shows I get a little bored looking at row after row of tractors with factory sized 13.6 x 38 tires. How refreshing to see one with 14" rims and new 15.5's. While I don't have documented resale figures, such tractors sure get a lot more attention.

But, again, your point is well taken. Bigger rear tires on wider rims is a different matter than a non matching engine block number. However, neither one bothers me too much and I consider myself pretty fussy.

If modifications are done tastefully they often raise vehicle value, but the group of potential buyers lilely changes too.

Glenn F.

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