F 20 runs too fast


My F 20 starts great, usually on the 3d pull of the crank. However, I can’t get it to idle down.
It runs from 3/4 to full rpm’s all the time. The throttle feed has little to nothing to do with slowing the engine down? Where should I look?
Does your farmall 20 have a variable speed governor? It usually is another lever separate from the two (one a mag advanced and the other is idle overide) on the steering column. The variable speed mechanism comes off the back of the govenor.

If you dont have one, then your tractor is a constant speed governor and the only way to slow it down is by the override on the steering column. The override only closes the throttle, it does not regulate the speed.
Taken from a post by 36F30, in 2017-----All F20's through the 36 model year came from the factory with a fixed speed governor. The throttle lever on the steering post was there to idle the tractor. On these tractors the governor only functioned in the full throttle position as the throttle lever went to the front of the hood and then down to left of the engine and moved the end of the governor linkage attached to the carb. These tractors were unable to govern lower engine speeds. The fixed speed could be adjusted for belt work/ belt speed by turning the spring housing on the backside of the governor The 37 models came with a variable speed governor and the throttle lever was then moved to the left side of the tank and had the cross over bracket on the front fuel tank support.Only the spark lever remained on the steering post. These tractors governed the engine at all selected speeds. IH also introduced a variable speed field upgrade for the older tractors at this time. The IH upgrade is identified by the addition of a cast pivot arm on the governor top plate. Sears and Many others also sold update kits for these tractors and Heisler sold a kit with a throttle like an M. By the way the lower picture that D Beatty posted is MY 36 F30 with an aftermarket variable speed kit.
Did it ever run correctly? When the carburetor is installed, its easy to install the governor shaft wrong so it wont close the butterfly.
Disconnect the throttle shaft from the lever on the governor shaft. You should be able to close the throttle shaft and get it to idle down.
I have a 39 f20 with the same issue. I thought I could have not engaged the carb with the governor shaft but it was ok. It is definately variable setup. I wondered if I set it incorrectly. I followed my I&T manual directions but it is unclear if those procedures are for the variable speed or fixed. Haven’t had a chance to work on it more.

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