F12 wheels on Farmall H?


F12 rear wheels on Farmall H.

F12-F14 rear axle diameters are 2 5/8".
Farmall H is 2 1/2"

I've seen F12 wheels on a Farmall H, but I'm unsure of the practicality. I heard they will sort of fit but I've can also crack the hubs by tightening them down.

Now... My question is: Could they more safely be used by putting in a 1/16" shim between the keyways?

F12 rear steel wheels are way cheaper than H rear steel wheels. I figure at least use 2 sets ti make them wider. Btw, I already happen to have several extra sets of F12 rear steel.
If you really want steel wheels on your H I suppose you could attempt it. Seems like a lot of trouble for something that could easily be spotted as not original. I don’t think it’s because steel wheel Hs go for big bucks. Or is this just a way to “cheap out” and not have to purchase rubber tires for the tractor?
Wayne, Look into the spoke size F-12 spokes are thin like 1 1/4" H spokes are heavy like 1 3/4" I think they will fit the axle F-12 to an H But not the other way Cast center From M will fit an F-12 I have seen H steel for sale, If you keep looking you will find someone looking to get rid of a pair of H steel.
If you really want steel wheels on your H I suppose you could attempt it. Seems like a lot of trouble for something that could easily be spotted as not original. I don’t think it’s because steel wheel Hs go for big bucks. Or is this just a way to “cheap out” and not have to purchase rubber tires for the tractor?
Well I look at it this way as far as original. It's a 1942, Swartz wide front end, aftermarket 3 point hitch, late 60's Chrysler alternator. I think putting the F12 wheels on isn't going to affect the originality one bit. I see it as no different as the above mentioned or the common n practice of cut off steel wheels welded to a rim to use rubber tires, that's not original either. That's my opinion though. This tractor is far from a show tractor.

Yes, it might be a "cheap out" from buying a new set of rubber tires. That is true.
Wayne, When I mentioned the spokes The F-12 spokes may not hold the weight of H and could bend and there goes your wheel.
H is bigger heavier tractor than F-12, That is why H spoke wheels are heavier.
Wayne, Look into the spoke size F-12 spokes are thin like 1 1/4" H spokes are heavy like 1 3/4" I think they will fit the axle F-12 to an H But not the other way Cast center From M will fit an F-12 I have seen H steel for sale, If you keep looking you will find someone looking to get rid of a pair of H steel.
Well, Mr Fawteen has a set of H centers on his 14, I believe.

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