Last friday I attended the tractor show in Portland Indiana and the featured tractor was Allis Chalmers. While at the show I fell in love with the 720 and the 620 garden tractors. There is a tractor auction this Saturday and they have a 620 with a front end loader, a 716 with a snow blade and a 720 with a rear tiller, all the equipment stated above appears to be in good condition. My question and or questions is what would be a good price for each of these garden tractors as equipped and how hard would it be to find a front end loader for either of these tractors. My third question would be what is a fair price for a good front end loader. The other question that I have is what are these tractors strong and weak points if any. I know these are a lot of questions for one post, but I figured I better find out before the auction. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!