Farm King snowblower help needed

Thank you all for the information! Do you think I just need to get the lift arms and lower arms from a 3010? Or do I need to get everything from the rockshaft down?

Thanks again. Kenny
The rock shaft arms that are in the picture also?
Every thing in the picture of your 3 point hitch appears to be of 2 cylinder vintage. None of it is compatible with 3010 parts. You can't mix and match. You need everything that is correct for a 3010.
Thank you all so much! I have removed the wrong parts and have a couple of leads for the correct ones.
Thanks again! I have the correct 3pt parts and am battling freezing weather to get everything mounted. At least it's to cold to snow here in west central Minnesota!
If you don't have a heated shop to work in go get a knipko heater. Even outside you can aim it towards you and your work.
Just don't be to close to set your coveralls on fire.


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Did just that years ago when I was working as a field service mechanic for a clearing contractor. We mainly cleared cross country power lines and of course the only time of the year you do that in northern Mn is winter. The power line right of way was my shop and a Knipco heater was a real life saver. Had a bunch of shear Cats, rake Cats, & various types of Hydro Axes & other types of brush mowing machines to keep going, It kept a mechanic busy, glad I was a young man when I was doing that.

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