Farmall 2 pt hitch


Hello to farmall tractors. Could someone please tell me if a 2 pt fast hitch on a 230 would fit a 200? I know the super c is similar to the 200. Thanks. Jeff
I'm not going to say one way or the other about fitting, but they look a lot different. The 200 was still configured so you could use the belt pulley, which you couldn't do on the 230
I'm not going to say one way or the other about fitting, but they look a lot different. The 200 was still configured so you could use the belt pulley, which you couldn't do on the 230
IH significantly changed the design of the Fast Hitch from the 00 series to the 30/50 series. They still mount the same.

The 230 has the later design, which uses a crude mechanical draft/traction control system, which to my knowledge, didn't work very well for controlling draft. I've seen the lift arms are different with a different touch control,but for the hitch/drawbar would fit on a 200? Is that correct?
Thanks I've seen the lift arms are different with a different touch control,but for the hitch/drawbar would fit on a 200? Is that correct?

* - Fast Hitch was supposed to be universal, but IH complicated things by having two different sizes of points. There is a small point that is used on the Super C, 200 and most of the 230s. All the rest of the tractors used the large point.

The spacing between the points is the same. The length of the points is the same. The width of the points is the same. The shape of the top of the points is the same. The difference is in the height of the point, about 1/2", and it's enough that the large point won't fit in the small point slot. Small points will fit fine in large slots with a 1/2" spacer underneath.

At the back of the notch, the height of the small point is about 2-5/16". The large point is about 2-13/16".
Thanks. I'm restoring a 200 and im looking at a 230 with 2 pt hitch. It just seems that the hitch on it is bolted up underneath the belly near the brakes. On the 200 there are no bolt hole to bolt up the hitch. Confusing!!!!
Thanks. I'm restoring a 200 and im looking at a 230 with 2 pt hitch. It just seems that the hitch on it is bolted up underneath the belly near the brakes. On the 200 there are no bolt hole to bolt up the hitch. Confusing!!!!
Oh crud. I forgot about that. On the 200 the front of the hitch is held up with a bar that runs up to the Touch Control arm.

Yeah if you want to use the 230 hitch on the 200 you're going to need to get creative.
Ahhh...ok...I knew something didn't look right...I just didn't want to buy the 230 to find out the hitch wasn't compatible, although some other parts maybe.. thanks for your help..jeff
Ahhh...ok...I knew something didn't look right...I just didn't want to buy the 230 to find out the hitch wasn't compatible, although some other parts maybe.. thanks for your help..jeff
you will need the fast hitch from a Super C or another 200. Those 2 tractors are the same except for the sheet metal and a few more HP in the 200.

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