Farmall 350 starter

Just bought a 350, hit the starter and it fired right up, shut it off to talk about the tractor then went to restart it and starter relay just clicks, almost like starter was stuck in the out position so I put it in gear and rocked it a little but no help. Brand new battery and cable was getting hot to touch at the relay, could it be just a bad connection or something simple like that, I plan on going to pick it up this weekend and would rather drive it on trailer than winch it. So any thoughts on what I need to take with me would be appreciated.

I have had the same issue on my 350u gas rebuild project it happened several times backed off the starter bolts hear the unit click and release. No problems since about twenty five hours on rebuild but always carry wrenches in tool box
The others are correct. Rocking it requires High gear (5th) and direct drive, not TA back. The rocking is violent and results in engine movement sufficient to dislodge the drive. Loosening is directly effective.
At this point the drive should be replaced with a newer style that has a much smaller pull in spring, and which does not drive through that spring. It can be found on many sites, and, if the ring gear is usable (probable with a little careful filing to remove burrs) go for it. THe new drive is not expensive. Jim
Your question:

"could it be just a bad connection or something simple like that"

If the cable gets real hot and the voltage drops drastically (lights would dim noticeably) thats a sign of heavy current draw (good connections) Id say its more likely NOT a bad conenction but more likely the starter is mechanically stuck/jammed or else its electrically shorted. If rocking the wheels in high gear dont help release it, you may have to loosen the starter mount bolts.

John T
My SM has done that for 30 years.Sometimes it seems to do that every other time you start it.Other times it can go for months/years without hanging up.Carry a couple wrenches.Just loosen and wiggle,that solves the problem.
Don't forget that the only ground for the starter is where it bolts to the block. Make sure it is "clean, bright & tight" there, too; just like all the other 6V connections. (My $0.02 worth. jal-SD)
Trying to rock a tractor with a TA doesn't work very well because with the TA clutch engaged you can only turn the engine in the normal direction. The TA will lock up when trying to turn the engine backwards. If you release the TA clutch you can only turn the engine backwards. The TA will free wheel going forwards.

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