Farmall 450D (Gas/Diesel) - Head Gasket Part Number

I don't need the assortment of gaskets kit (pricey). Just looking for the head gasket part number only (Diesel).

International Harvester 4.6L 4-cyl diesel (1957)



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Another quick question as long as I'm working on head gasket.......... Any idea for the 1957 Farmall 450D what the part numbers are for the fan belts? Thank you in advance!


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I'd say probably the same belt as the MD. No I don't know or have the part number .Ours has the same belt that was on there from 40 yesrs ago. They don't need a lot of tension and run for ever. I even had another belt that I ran over top of it for a live hydraulic set up for mowing hay with it . The belt worked fine and if you needed a relief valve the belt would slip a bit for that if you deadheaded oil at the end of a cylinder travel. Dad did n't like it so took it off said it would wear the belt out. I would put it back on in a minute if I went back to needing hydraulics on it again still have all the components from then.

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