Farmall 450D hyd. loss of PS, remotes

used red MN

Well-known Member
Coon Rapids, MN
I recently helped a young man 14 or 15 years old via long distance communication with repair of his TA in his 450. He had the TA just about stripped down to nothing repairing the one-way clutch and fixing the direct clutch as well. This kid has impressive knowledge and mechanical ability. He called me from a show he took it to saying his hydraulics had quit namely the power steering but also the fast hitch stopped working. He said it worked fine at the show after he first got there. He shut it off I believe overnight and the next day it did not work. He says the hydraulic pump is warming up quickly when it is running. My question is if the pilot system orifice is plugged and holding the system on pumping or operating pressure would the fast hitch still operate. I have initially told him something in the Regulator Safety Valve has a problem. Can anyone confirm that the parts 16 - 22 is the valving that controls the flow to the power steering? Another listing for the Regulator Safety Valve is shown in subsection 380 but ..flow control.. is not in its description and the above mentioned parts are not shown in it so I am deducting that those parts are for a PS equipped tractor. Ryan currently has a post about his brakes on the 450 in the Restoration and Repair Tips. Due to some of the more technical terms of this post I am placing it here for his information. BTW, the hydraulic system is full and everything has worked properly for multiple days when operating the tractor. Any tips or other info concerning his loss of PS and remotes would be appreciated. TIA!
CNHI F450 diesel hyd subsection 377
Loss of system pressure and heating pump might have three or more causes. One is the Single or Double acting switch on the controls might be turned incorrectly.
another is the screen 361435R91 could be plugged up/collapsed.
The third is a suction or pressure hose going to and from the pump could be internally broken and stopping flow. Jim
It sounds like to me some one turned the valve on accident or to be mean, or by just messing around around then couldn't get it back to where it was suppose to be with with out a pair of pliers.
He explained to me that the double-single selector valve was loose and wiggled and could be turned back and forth freely like about an 1/8 of a turn. I have been away from these tractors far too long to know the exact configuration. I do know the remote valve for the fast hitch does not have the action selector on it. It looks to me like the valve they show as on the online catalog seems to be one that is not equipped for selecting the change between double and single acting, see link. Am I missing something?
Touch control remote valve
Most have the option. IIRC the Double is CW. and the Single is CCW. There should be a tin guide over a roll pin thatis under this flimsy tin. wiring it CW so it can't turn eliminates that as a source of the problem. Jim
Ryan - owner of the 450D

I apologize for my lack of knowledge but I'm hoping I can throw some ideas out there.

The acting switch only turns about 1/8th of a turn with some side to side wiggle. I first twisted it, after the issue arose, I expected more than 1/8th of a turn unless that is normal. If I rememeber, when twisting it, it also almost feels loose enough that it could possibly wiggle and change positions over time.
Could this be the issue, one of, or a seperate problem?
If so, I don't understand yet how twisting one switch could ruin an entire hydraulic system.
Ryan - owner of the 450D

I apologize for my lack of knowledge but I'm hoping I can throw some ideas out there.

The acting switch only turns about 1/8th of a turn with some side to side wiggle. I first twisted it, after the issue arose, I expected more than 1/8th of a turn unless that is normal. If I rememeber, when twisting it, it also almost feels loose enough that it could possibly wiggle and change positions over time.
Could this be the issue, one of, or a seperate problem?
If so, I don't understand yet how twisting one switch could ruin an entire hydraulic system.

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