Farmall 504

I have a Farmall 504 and being dumb I engaged the PTO when it
wasn?t running and I heard a snap and now the PTO goes all the time
and a can?t shut it off. Is it just a pin or what. Thanks for anything you
guys can tell me.
If I remember correctly there are two woodruff keys and a pin on the shaft. I would drain your oil and pull the pto to inspect. I think it's only four bolts to take the unit off. Don't remove the bolts at the very back of the pto housing. They're closer to the front of the housing. Again I'm just going off memory from about a year ago.
Sometimes if you let them set around the disks will rust together. If so hitch the pto to something and start the tractor to shake it loose.
You did nothing wrong by engaging the lever without the tractor running. There is no reason you can't do that. Whatever broke was ready to break and would have broken whether the tractor was running or not.

Try some troubleshooting first. With the tractor off, move the lever and follow the linkages back to the pto unit. Observe what moves and what doesn't. Where one thing moves and the next thing doesn't, is your problem.
On the top there is a big cap that you can un screw it?s like an inspection hole there is a top shaft that moves and then one underneath it that doesn?t and it looks like a pin is there that is supposed to connect the two I think that is what it is.

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