Farmall 656 C263 engine head gasket---which side up?

I'm getting ready to put the head back on my Farmall 656 C263 engine. Unfortunately the head gasket I have doesn't have any markings that I can see, as to which side is supposed to be up.

One side is copper coated. And it also has the cylinder fire rings on it. The other side is silver. And seems to have
copper sealing rings around the push-rod and head bolt holes. (see attached pictures)

Any advice on this? Or do I need to wait and call the vendor. I was hoping to get this on yet today.

Thanks for any help!


copper up to the heat. when it really matters the gaskets are marked with UP or TOP . so if no markings it probably works either way but far as i know copper is up. plus try it both ways and look to see if it will work for your own satisfaction, many times it wont.
for got to say... use gasket sealer. i always use felpro high tack sealer. many use copper coat. under ideal situations when both surfaces are planned not critical to use a sealer.
If I am seeing what I think I am seeing it will only fit one way. Head bolts are not spaced the same
Yes it goes copper side up. The other way, it covers the oil port for the rockers. And the coolant passages don't line up.

I will be using copper head gasket spray on the gasket.

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