Farmall 656 clutch safety start switch---are there two different ones?


I need to replace the clutch safety switch on my Farmall 656. However I'm confused, as there seems to be two different types available.

I have the "lever" type, that is actuated by the clutch pedal:


However when I do a search for "Farmall 656 safety switch", it comes up with this:


I was wondering which one I need---I don't think they are interchangeable, because the mounting bracket for the first (lever) switch I can't see would work for this "push-button" one.

I'd like to go with the push-button, because the "lever" one can be problematic. The push-button one is also a lot cheaper.

Get the same one as you have now. Don't get flustered over what it "should" have, because that doesn't matter.

Clearly they mount differently and work differently. If you don't have a bracket with a big hole in it near the clutch pedal, the button type is not going to work without trying to find a bunch of NLA parts. Replacing with the same as what you have now means it will bolt right in.
I need to replace the clutch safety switch on my Farmall 656. However I'm confused, as there seems to be two different types available.

I have the "lever" type, that is actuated by the clutch pedal:

View attachment 81853

However when I do a search for "Farmall 656 safety switch", it comes up with this:

View attachment 81855

I was wondering which one I need---I don't think they are interchangeable, because the mounting bracket for the first (lever) switch I can't see would work for this "push-button" one.

I'd like to go with the push-button, because the "lever" one can be problematic. The push-button one is also a lot cheaper.

GMC switch.
The one you have with the lever looks to be an early 1950s Chevrolet/GMC break light switch. Jim

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