Farmall 806 diesel


Bought me a nice looking farmall 806 diesel it has the Rosa master pump on it later serial number, tractor has a hard time to start I re did all the electrical connections and put new battery big 12 volt in it , but when it starts it sounds like it knocks on start up like how those old d282 diesel glow plug engines would start, once running tractor has great throttle response and has plenty of power almost to much, fuel filters have been changed so has air filter , I’m just scared that it could be a sleeve or head problem being how these engines are , it has a slight miss at low idle and won’t hardly idle down unless you play with the linkage , but when rev up it pours brown/ black smoke and runs good . Idk if it’s something with pump or injectors . I did check timing and it’s was pretty close to 8 degrees BTDC .
I remember that those tractor would poor out black smoke when worked

Are a Very very good model - lasted a long time
So I figured out what was wrong
Smoke screw was back Danm near all the way out, and low idle screw was too, got to run pretty smooth now, I also timed to 6 degrees idk if it makes a difference being it has a 3dh Rosa master that says to time to 8 degrees .

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