Farmall A Cultivator Shank Lengths and Styles


OK, I want to get my farmall cultivator set up. It came with a read spring toot tine harrow and under the belly is basically a setup that came with two rolling disks. Presumably, this is for hilling. Anyway, the shank that sits under the clutch housing is far too long. Both shanks are the same, but you cannot raise the implement high enough to get the disk off the ground AND not jam it into the belly.

So, I took those off and put four cultivator shanks on the same bar. It has the same problem. It seems to me that I need four shanks but they all need to be different lengths.

Anyway, Where can I get a SHORT shank?

Also, it seems there are multiple styles of spring shanks. Mine came off an old B450 cultivator so they are spring loaded with two notches. They don't 'trip'. I don't know why there are two notches, but at any rate, these just 'give' and the spring pushes it back.

The other style I see it the kind that truly trip and you have to reset. I don't care which style I use as long as they fit and work under the belly.

Can someone help me understand all the types and lenghts? My shanks seem to be about 7.5" long or so, but if they were about 2-3" shorter, that would be about perfect. As it stands, the cultivator can only be lowered to the first notch or two. There are about 10 notches.
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OK, I want to get my farmall cultivator set up. It came with a read spring toot tine harrow and under the belly is basically a setup that came with two rolling disks. Presumably, this is for hilling. Anyway, the shank that sits under the clutch housing is far too long. Both shanks are the same, but you cannot raise the implement high enough to get the disk off the ground AND not jam it into the belly.

So, I took those off and put four cultivator shanks on the same bar. It has the same problem. It seems to me that I need four shanks but they all need to be different lengths.

Anyway, Where can I get a SHORT shank?

Also, it seems there are multiple styles of spring shanks. Mine came off an old B450 cultivator so they are spring loaded with two notches. They don't 'trip'. I don't know why there are two notches, but at any rate, these just 'give' and the spring pushes it back.

The other style I see it the kind that truly trip and you have to reset. I don't care which style I use as long as they fit and work under the belly.

Can someone help me understand all the types and lenghts? My shanks seem to be about 7.5" long or so, but if they were about 2-3" shorter, that would be about perfect. As it stands, the cultivator can only be lowered to the first notch or two. There are about 10 notches.
It could be that the implement was designed for a highcrop tractor. Why not cut the long shanks down to size. there is nothing to loose. Jim
I’ve got some short ones . Tell me what length you think you need ? There’s a difference between my Farmall C and Super c angles that go under the engine on my stuff .
Couple of points, the shanks I am using are not off of a farmall A. As for length, no reason I can't cut them off, but they are off of a complete British B450 cultivator that mounts on the frame of my B450, so, I don't want to cut them since they actually go to that implement.

For length, really, if the shanks were 5" or so, that would be ideal. That is measuring from the top of the shank to where the spring mount part is bradded to the it.
Couple of points, the shanks I am using are not off of a farmall A. As for length, no reason I can't cut them off, but they are off of a complete British B450 cultivator that mounts on the frame of my B450, so, I don't want to cut them since they actually go to that implement.

For length, really, if the shanks were 5" or so, that would be ideal. That is measuring from the top of the shank to where the spring mount part is bradded to the it.
Used shanks and trip systems should be easy to find in salvaged cultivators. Salvage yards near you are a possible source. Bates Equipment in Bourbon IN might be a call for info. We do not know where you are. There are a load of them with various shank lengths and prices. Ebay search for Farmall cultivator shanks. Jim
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right! don’t cut shanks , save them
I’d think I know what you have, grind off the heads if two rivets and make an a shank from round stock , if the makes sense for yah.
I used oxy acety torch to straighten shanks
Be nice to see the unit mounted .
I usually have a bunch of shanks for that tractor, short and long,but I've sold out for now 😭. Call John at jp tractor. He probably has them and will ship . And Google shows several manuals for an A cultivator 😎


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B450 is like a Farmall M ?right ?
Photo,gathered up some samples of the vibra shanks I have to compare


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