Farmall C263 conn rod bolts---PLACE or PITCH?

I'm keeping the thread busy today!

I posted a question a few posts down about connecting rod bolts on my Farmall C263 engine. There was a question as to whether I have PLACE or PITCH bolts. (Each type takes a different torque).

According to the IT manual, the PLACE bolt has a head that is either notched or concave and the shank and thread diameter are nearly the same.

The PITCH bolt has a standard bolt head with a washer face. The thread diameter is larger than the shank.

I have attached a picture. I'm thinking this is the PITCH bolt. Because it has a slight washer face under the head. And the threaded part seems to be slightly larger than the shank.

Any advice is appreciated!
Over the years I have found if a bolt comes loose it is not big enough and if the bolt is big enough it will not work loose. Have had that on several pieces of equipment and once the size of the bolt was change out and hole drilled for a larger bolt size the problem disappeared with no special bolts needed. Had an old MCKee chopper for dry hay the tongue kept coming loose at the bend with 2 5/8ths bolts once drilled out and 2 3/4 bolts installed and tightened it never came loose again in the 30 years of use. Many tongue bolts same problem same cure. IF rod bolts are not heavy enough to take the job they should have put bigger bolts on that job too when it was designed. In only a few cases would a larger bolt affect the actual weight of an item to make a major difference in things.

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