farmall f-12 waukesha


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I have a 1933 farmall waukesha that needs to be rebuilt. Where can I find a repair manual and parts for the motor? Thank-you
Phil, as for the manual, you may be able to find someone that has one and make a reprint. It would be under Waukesha FL engine not under Farmall. As for engine part None are available off shelf, But here are company's that can make custom new pistons, rings, You could have your crank cut to work with a stock bearing from another engine. Best to take it apart and see what you need and than go looking. I have heard of guy getting Valve that are close and than have them machined to fit. seat can be made new. If you can save most it could be done on the cheep or if you do it all it could cost allot.
Most guy would be happy to have it running and driving, take it to a show. Not building a tractor to do work with.
So not everything has to be new!
Hello to all.

Here's what I did with my Waukesha F12. For starters, my engine was rusted stuck. Drove pistons out with a block of wood etc. Everything was in decent shape other than the bores. The machine shop said that they would assess the motor & ask their traditional parts supplier(s) and in fact my machine shop was able to find all NOS parts for the FL engine. My shop just felt more comfortable with their own suppliers vs. me dropping off a pile of parts and saying here fix it! I completely understand. I was not in a big hurry, keep in mind the shop had my engine ready in about 5 months.

There are some parts on Ebay for the waukesha FL engine, and a similar waukesha engine was used on the R & RC Case. Jensales does offer a lot waukesha FL FC parts on their website as well. My gasket set came from Olson Gasket.

hope this helps, eb

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