Farmall H brake band guidance needed


1943 Farmall H. Removed the RH brake band cover to access the pivot shaft each end of the brake shoe band attaches to. Removed the woodruff key and dust seal and attempted to push the shaft out of the cover. No luck. Figured the shaft was rusted to the cover.

Soaked the shaft in PB Blaster for multiple hours and went to pound out the shaft using a rubber mallet. The shaft moves about 1/2 inch until it reaches the end of the woodruff key slot, then stops (3/8 - 1/2 inch of movement). The shaft turns freely in the cover, but nothing I do gets the shaft to exit the cover. A light tap on the shaft from inside the cover returns the shaft to its original position.

Any suggestions on how to remove the shaft and brake shoe? I have an arbor press available, but there's no way to support the sheet metal without deforming the cover. I also could heat the cover with a torch, but am suspicious it won't help. As far as I can tell, there's no keeper of any sort restraining the shaft.

See the pics below


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Clean the shaft with some emery cloth. Are you trying to move the brake bands out at the same time you are moving the shaft ?
When straight pounding didn’t work I tried rotating the shaft and moving it out at the same time with no luck.

I have not used any emery cloth, but also felt no burrs or roughness on the shaft
Will try the emery cloth route tomorrow.

however, no burrs on key slot, shaft has been soaking in penetrating oil for about 6 hours.

and thanks for confirming there’s no retainer. It was obvious to me there couldn’t be one
Polishing the end of the shaft like said with emery cloth. Then oil it well and if it is not catching on the bottom adjustment bolt in the cover it should just slide out. Though there with the last 50-80 years of use may be a ridge worn in the shaft and bushing causing it to hang up in there. IF you can get the band off and a piece of pipe to fit over the shaft and pin holes for the band set it in your arbor press and push it out. I never found an arbor press to be much good for pressing things out maybe because most things were in to tight and the lever on the press was not long enough. A regular pres was what always worked for me unless it was not enough tonnage.
Sheet metal cover ,suggest ,so make sure don’t damage it ,support the shaft bushing with deep well socket or washers in vice jaws , I don’t know what you have available . i rotate the shaft back and forth with the levers .with some heat .
What do you have for heating it?
update: nothing worked. Tried heating the bushing with a torch/chilling the shaft with dry ice. Shaft moved a bit, but not much. added a puller to the mix, reheated/cooled. Shaft moved a bit more, then became wedged.

went to plan B: walked out to my “parts” H (that’s been sitting behind the barn for the past 8 years), and removed the required items without drama in 3 minutes. I’ll spend the morning cleaning everything before putting the brake band on.

then it’s off to do the other side….
Closing this thread……

remainder of job went quickly and without incident. whatever was preventing the shaft from exiting the bushing isn’t yet confirmed, but the shaft, bushing, and boss holding the bushing to the cover are, in my opinion, not worth the effort of salvaging.

thanks to all the posters who chimed in

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