Farmall H Transmission question

Good morning,

So this morning I placed the transmission top back onto my 42 H. It has seated onto all alignment dowels and there is a bit of a gap up front where the pulley drive mechanism would mount. I'm talking like a 1/16th of an inch and it's most likely the new gasket. I also did a shifter "rebuild" with one of those kits and greased everything. Going into all gears and everything is turning properly so im assuming the shift forks seated properly, but I'm finding that shifting between gears is "crisp" and they are firm holding. Like this thing will never pop out of gear. Is this normal? Just curious before I put all the bolts back in and continue on.

Thank you!
Just put 4 bolts in the cover 2 on each side one near front and back. Draw them down evenly to just snug (15 ft lbs if your not an old elbow click guy) making sure the shifter continues to work and the upper trans shaft keeps turning. I would hope you put some lube on the shifter assembly when you put it together. Is this a restoration project that might set a while before painted and all that stuff before actually being driven? If so I would pick it back off of there and brush down the shifters and rails with gear lube… motor oil or hydraulic fluid would be better than nothing.
Yes, everything was cleaned and coated in gear oil prior to assembly. Waiting for a PTO seal and retainer gasket to put that back on then starting paint prep.

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