Farmall M 12v or 6v

Yes, "with everything correct." It's a constant fight to keep everything correct. 12V requires far less maintenance, and complete conversions can be done for less than the cost of replacing the 6V generator.
Or even the cost of a good regulator that’ll last more than a year or two
I replaced the original 6 volt generator on my BN with a used internally regulated alternator off some GM engine something like 20 to 30 years ago. I believe I did replace the internal regulator at one point but not sure about that. This BN is used to mow 5 or 6 acres lawn plus haul brush and fire wood and is only on the second 12 volt battery in all those years. It sits in and unheated shed from end of November till maybe middle of April depending on the weather.
I have had that tractor since 1994 and the only repairs I have had to do to it is two new batteries (both of which have lasted 8 and 9 years), the generator with new brushes I had put in the it and a new regulator with the repaired generator. Yeah 12 volts is a good deal if you are having continuous problems with it cranking over and such, but if it is working like mine, why fix it??? Plus all the details of getting the alternator mounted correctly, wiring, and so forth and so forth. Then if you need to repair stuff looking up part numbers can be a pain since you are not sure exactly what it came from. For me and I am saying for me, the expense of doing all the 12 volt work is a waste of money since my 6 volt works great. I know some people who have gone to 12 volt and have had to replace alternators a couple of times as compared to a set of brushes in my generator.
Hard to recall but think the reason I converted to 12 volt was generator and regulator were bad and I had access to a Delco alternator off something at work may also of had a used battery from work too! So for the most part my conversion was free.

Now if someone was going to have to purchase a new or rebuilt alternator and a battery it might be a good idea to first check out the rest of the system to see if some simple basic repair was all that would be needed.
Thanks everyone for there help. I found a used battery box at a salvage yard and purchased a lid for it online. I purchased a group 26 12v battery to fit in the box. Also found out my starter was broke so I had it rebuilt at my local Napa and had the internal parts changed to 12v. Good to go now!

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