Farmall M two-way hydro set-up

The hoses should be 1/2" usually with NPT fittings. Use only heavy pipe fittings, not plumbing fittings, as they are not rated for pressure and can burst. Each hose should be reinforced Hydraulic system rated (1500 PSI is about twice the pump output for a belly pump) 2500 is about 2X for an engine mounted live system. Each hose needs to have a swivel fitting on one end to allow disconnect and tightening. (means that the fitting can be turned to attach the hose without twisting the hose. I have attached 2 diagrams One for a belly pump (which should have its return into the drain) and one for an engine mounted live system. Jim

I think it is correct. The relief should be 750 to 800 for a belly pump, and 1200 for a engine mount pump. If one can blow through it with it in neutral it is correct. Jim

Great. Thanks for the help everyone. One question though to I have to put the return in the fill pipe or can i tee into the drain? If I do need to plumb to the top, i just need a tee and vented cap right?
If the cylinders will have a gravity load on them I think you will be happier with a open center valve with load checks. That is if you want something heavy to not drop some before lifting.

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