Farmall md plunger stuck on injection pump

I have a md that has good pressure at the gauge on top of the injection pump but no fuel comes out of the lines on top when I crack them open. I think I have a stuck plunger. After I take the cover off the top can I just remove the plunger assembly and clean it up. Thanks for any help.
You don’t even have to do that if it’s lightly stuck. Just remove the oil fill adapter , then get in there with a small punch or something and gently tap the horizontal adjustment ahead. It works most times. It’s called a stuck rack. If that don’t work then yes remove the top.
You don’t even have to do that if it’s lightly stuck. Just remove the oil fill adapter , then get in there with a small punch or something and gently tap the horizontal adjustment ahead. It works most times. It’s called a stuck rack. If that don’t work then yes remove the top.
Applying a bit of solvent as you do it (drops not ounces) helps as well. Jim
You don’t even have to do that if it’s lightly stuck. Just remove the oil fill adapter , then get in there with a small punch or something and gently tap the horizontal adjustment ahead. It works most times. It’s called a stuck rack. If that don’t work then yes remove the top.
Ok. Thanks. I had the oil fill off and sprayed some carb cleaner around in there but I did not know where I should tap at. I’ll try that. Thanks
You don’t even have to do that if it’s lightly stuck. Just remove the oil fill adapter , then get in there with a small punch or something and gently tap the horizontal adjustment ahead. It works most times. It’s called a stuck rack. If that don’t work then yes remove the top.


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Can you please guide me as to where I’m supposed to be tapping at with the punch. This is a pic I got off the forum. I won’t be back with the tractor for a couple of weeks. From what I remember when I move the lever those bolts with the adjustment nuts are not moving back as far as the ones in the picture. Thanks again
Can you please guide me as to where I’m supposed to be tapping at with the punch. This is a pic I got off the forum. I won’t be back with the tractor for a couple of weeks. From what I remember when I move the lever those bolts with the adjustment nuts are not moving back as far as the ones in the picture. Thanks again
MD pump.jpg

From a YT post by Delta Red Oct 9, 2015
The rack is visible in this image in the round hole. The pump output is controlled by rotation of the body by the rack. The plunger is removed here. The pump output is timed to each cylinder using cams on the portion where the lines to the injectors attach. like a distributor. Jim
Thanks for all the help. Rack was stuck. Moved it in and out by prying both ways with a screw driver and spraying with wd 40. Tractor runs on diesel now but maybe smokes a bit much. Smoke is gray or black so I think I have a dirty injector or 2. Will try Seafoam and new fuel as the fuel is a bit old. Thanks again for all the help.

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