Fast Hitch Disc Settings

Bill VA

Well-known Member
I’ve got a what I believe is a 3U-FTC36 or as I’m understand was called later a 236 International fast hitch harrow. I cannot find a manual for it.

I've got a 2 bottom fast hitch plow and do have a manual for it and a 211/311 fast hitch plow.

With regards to the fast hitch on my Farmall 350, do I leave the plow settings as they are (removing pins, etc) and hook up the disc and go with those settings?

Any sage advice is appreciated.
Information I found for the Super C fast hitch disc harrow. Depth control arm is the same as the plow. Bellcrank needs to be set to be free floating. Lateral link pins in top holes to be free floating. No pin in lift cylinder to allow to be free floating. Not sure if the descriptions are correct but for the disc harrow everything needs to be in the free float position. good luck, Mike

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