ferguson 35 3 Point Issues

I have a Ferguson 35 with an old 5 ft brush hog. It will not lift it off the ground much higher than 4 inches. I put an old 3 point cultivator on, it lifts up fine. The position lever is in constant pumping and the arms do not go high enough unless the draft control lever is used as a position control. When I mess with the draft control to raise/lower, it jitters/ twitches up and down. Also when I shut the engine off the arms lower within a minute, but with a load they drop within 10 seconds (they do not really crash down.) They have always sept down but it took quite a while. After I shut it off when I listen close I can hear something running (like oil). I recently replaced the top link boot and plunger. The parts diagram showed a disc being placed at the end of the plunger around the peg. Does the old disc get removed an the new one get pressed into the bore? There was not one in the tractor that I could see. I removed the top cover and replaced the piston rings and the o-ring between the cylinder and cover, standpipe and cover o-rings. I also thoroughly cleaned the oil and grime out of the housing. Should I install a new pump while I have it apart or rebuild the old one? A rebuild kit costs $185 and an entire new pump costs $300-$340. Any advice would help. Thanks in advance!
I have a Ferguson 35 with an old 5 ft brush hog. It will not lift it off the ground much higher than 4 inches. I put an old 3 point cultivator on, it lifts up fine. The position lever is in constant pumping and the arms do not go high enough unless the draft control lever is used as a position control. When I mess with the draft control to raise/lower, it jitters/ twitches up and down. Also when I shut the engine off the arms lower within a minute, but with a load they drop within 10 seconds (they do not really crash down.) They have always sept down but it took quite a while. After I shut it off when I listen close I can hear something running (like oil). I recently replaced the top link boot and plunger. The parts diagram showed a disc being placed at the end of the plunger around the peg. Does the old disc get removed an the new one get pressed into the bore? There was not one in the tractor that I could see. I removed the top cover and replaced the piston rings and the o-ring between the cylinder and cover, standpipe and cover o-rings. I also thoroughly cleaned the oil and grime out of the housing. Should I install a new pump while I have it apart or rebuild the old one? A rebuild kit costs $185 and an entire new pump costs $300-$340. Any advice would help. Thanks in advance!
After I shut it off when I listen close I can hear something running (like oil). I recently replaced the top link boot and plunger.

When the three point acts as per your situation......I drain the oil down far enough to remove the Right side inspection plate with the load raised,engine NOT running, and view the internal components through the inspection port. Looking for oil leaks,etc,etc,.

Owner 1963 MF 35

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