Ferguson TO30 - 3pt lift power reduced after repair


New User
Had the 3 point get stuck in the raised position on my TO30 - took apart the hydraulic case & revealed the root cause to be a snap ring that disintegrated on the rod that controls hydraulic release behind the pump. Put it all back together and it works great - except I used to easily plow snow with my JD 3pt blade, but it now can barely lift it off the ground. Any ideas what would cause the reduced lift capacity?
"revealed the root cause to be a snap ring that disintegrated on the rod that controls hydraulic release behind"
Now you can disassemble number 5 and clean him all out from the debris that is clogging, jammed or failed further components.
"revealed the root cause to be a snap ring that disintegrated on the rod that controls hydraulic release behind"
Now you can disassemble number 5 and clean him all out from the debris that is clogging, jammed or failed further components
What is #5?
What is #5?
I was wondering the same thing. I think Bruce factitiously (had to look that one up) meant you can disassemble it for the 5th time and clean it out etc.
I guess I would pull the inspection cover off again and look for leaks while trying to lift the back blade. Also check to see if the control valve or valves are moving as they should.
Is the picture you enclosed now or before. If now, start engine and check oil flow out of riser tube. Have a rag handy. No oil pressure, no lift.

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