Finished repaint of Allis Chalmers model G

Mr. Bluster

New User
After considering clear coating the hard-won patina of my 1949 Allis Chalmers G repainted with 2k polyurethane sealant and topcoat. Persian Orange #1, of course!
My first attempt; plenty of runs, hits and errors. But it sure is orange! Remarkable what a coating of tire restorer can do! Those tires were brownish gray. BEFORE:


I write about it here:

This post was edited by Mr. Bluster on 07/06/2021 at 06:42 am.
SHARP! I always wanted one of those when I was a kid. I bought a C from the elementary school janitor when I was in the 4th grade,
but never got a G. I'd always heard there were a lot of burned arms on those things though from guys turning around and putting
their arm on the radiator cap.

Never burned my arm. We grew up with this tractor as kids on the farm. Cultivated tobacco with it (in Wisconsin), plowed grandma's garden, mowed weeds. Also has a snow blade.
You did a nice job on your AC G.

When I was in high school, I worked for one of the bigger farms in the neighborhood [Hill country - Southern Illinois]. They had a G with a two row planter attachment, and they ran it night and day planting corn. The planter fit behind the front wheels, and you could see each seed drop. They had a milking operation, and the G had a belly mounted blade - I cleaned the concrete lot off every few days with it. I really liked that tractor!

I don't remember burning my arm on the radiator cap as Randy mentioned, but I was young then and I could look behind me without turning sideways in the seat. Unlike today, ha.
Naw, it's a little late in life now. Might come in handy in the wife's garden now and then, but not worth buying and storing one.

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