Followup- Case 830 Stumbling


cnj 152, fixerupper, fixer2u, Mike Fitz, John Saeli, old prouduct, Bruce from Can.
Thank you for all your suggestions. They were great. As you recall I was having trouble with my 830 stumbling. After it was back in the barn, I drained all the gas out of the tank (about 4 gallons). Before going any farther with the trouble shooting, I pulled the fuel separator. Low and behold there were three gas soaked seeds in the neck of the separator. I tried blowing through it with my mouth on the intake end. It was very hard to get any air through. Removed the seeds and cleaned the intake. I was then able to blow air through it fairly easy. I have now run the tractor several times and it works great. No stumbling. The flow I had with the seeds in place was about .125 inches and was constant out the bottom of the carb. Now the flow is about .250 inches. Remember it drained the 4 gallons with no problem or stoppage of flow. Did not have to replace any parts. However; I soldered up a two inch strainer and put it on the intake of the separator to help prevent future blockages.
John Sali, you hit the nail on the head.
Thanks Again
John Saeli, thank you again.
The thing that threw me off was that the fuel flowed continuously and never did stop. Working in the field, I did not have a watch with a second hand so missed the slow flow. Now that I think about it, the stream was about half the size as it normally is.
Thanks Again.

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