Ford 172 gas Burning up condenser

I have a 1959 ford 172 gas engine in a an old omc770 wheel loader. I swapped the engine from a diesel that blew up about 6 months ago. The gas engine ran well for about 4 months, maybe about 4 hours of total run time. Then it started running really rough, so I replaced the points only. It still ran terrible. I replaced the condenser and it ran great, for about an hour of run time. Then it started running rough again. Sputters under throttle.

I replaced the condenser again and it ran well for about an hour of run time. I don't know where to go from here or what to check. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if I need to provide more information.

Also, the condenser isn't screwed down because the screw hole is stripped.
This happened because the replacement condenser bracket strap was slightly larger than the original and i stripped it. But it ran well without it being screwed down for a bit.


Two things. #1 The condenser must be in tight contact with plate (ground) otherwise you have a spark jump each time points fire. #2 Condenser quality is poor overall these days. Standard Brand Blue Streak has great reviews,you can find them at NAPA. Another good source is Ebay,search for NOS or Vintage condensers. Chances are the points have pitted so look at them before closing up.
Years ago I bought an Allis D-14 that the PO had done a 12v conversion on. It ran great, but kept burning up points (it ran great until the points burned up) - turns out he hadn't changed the coil to a 12v when he did the conversion
I gave up keeping the points-and-condenser ignition working on my Ford 4000. For whatever reason, the condensers seemed to quickly fail. I installed a Pertronix ignition several years ago and have had zero problems with it. Note that Pertronix recommends the use of resistance plug wires with their products.
I have a 1959 ford 172 gas engine in a an old omc770 wheel loader. I swapped the engine from a diesel that blew up about 6 months ago. The gas engine ran well for about 4 months, maybe about 4 hours of total run time. Then it started running really rough, so I replaced the points only. It still ran terrible. I replaced the condenser and it ran great, for about an hour of run time. Then it started running rough again. Sputters under throttle.

I replaced the condenser again and it ran well for about an hour of run time. I don't know where to go from here or what to check. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if I need to provide more information.

Also, the condenser isn't screwed down because the screw hole is stripped.
This happened because the replacement condenser bracket strap was slightly larger than the original and i stripped it. But it ran well without it being screwed down for a bit.


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Also, the condenser isn't screwed down because the screw hole is stripped.

The condenser must be grounded or you will think it's bad.
You claim the condenser is bad, Do you have a meter to test it?
I recommend buying a cheap meter off Amazon to test condensers.
The meter on the left costs under $40. Best $40 I've spent on a meter.
I carry these 3 meters in a to go bag.
What a surprise! A condenser/capacitor has two is the wire and the other is the case which needs good tight connection to ground!
You are geniuses! I bought a new screw and tightened down the condenser and it works!!! This is unbelievable. What can I fix next??? The kitchen faucet? The sticking door handle? Common core math?

Thanks all!
You are geniuses! I bought a new screw and tightened down the condenser and it works!!! This is unbelievable. What can I fix next??? The kitchen faucet? The sticking door handle? Common core math?

Thanks all!
Not really ,you should have seen us chase our tails first time we came up against this problem. Rumer has it one of these gurus (who shall remain anonymous) painted the fenders and replaced radiator hoses before finally figuring it out. 😁

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