Ford 1720 Rear Hydrolic Lift


I have a 1990 Ford/New Holland tractor with a New Holland hoe attachment. I'm not sure if my rear hydrolic lift for 3 point hitch works or not with the hoe attached, or if it's supposed to even function at all with the hoe attached. When I have the flow control valve wide open (or in any position) and move the position lever for the rear hydrolic lift, the arms do not move, as I'm sure they should not. Can anybody here tell me of there's some type of safety feature that keeps the rear lift inoperable with a hoe attached, or does my real lift simply not work? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
What kind of "hoe" is it? Is it mounted to a subframe, or is it mounted to the 3pt hitch?

If mounted to the 3pt hitch, the top link arm is rigidly mounted to the backhoe to prevent it from flipping up when you are digging, and will not allow the 3pt arms to raise or lower mechanically. Does the tractor engine strain when you try to raise the 3pt?

I don't know for sure but I would not expect a tractor of that age to have any kind of specific "safety feature" for this.
It is a sub frame mount that is in no way mounted to the 3 point. I doubt the issue would have anything to do with hydrolics hooked to the hoe, as I'm almost positive the 3 point operates independently of any external hydrolic attachment

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