Ford 19-35 road maintainer need list


New User
I have purchased a Dearborn 19-35 Road Maintainer "grader" and need a few things. If you have any of the items we are paying fairly for them. This purchase is to actually use the grader and not be a show piece so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I know someone here has to have some of this, lol.

1. Manuals for 19-35 Road Maintainer
2. Scarifier for front of maintainer, see pictures
3. Wheel weights specific for maintainer, see picture
4. whole or parts maintainer for backup


  • ford tractor grader scarifier closeup.jpg
    ford tractor grader scarifier closeup.jpg
    27.6 KB · Views: 87
  • road maintainer wheel weights closeup.jpg
    road maintainer wheel weights closeup.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 80
  • Ford Dearborn road maintainer grader closeup.jpg
    Ford Dearborn road maintainer grader closeup.jpg
    95.1 KB · Views: 76
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It's a pretty rare piece of equipment and you're looking for rare accessories for that rare piece of equipment. Asking here is a long shot to say the least. No surprise you didn't get inundated with responses.

For future reference, "wanted" posts belong in the "Marketplace" above, and only the Marketplace.
If you are really going to use it and are not collecting the unique parts to create a "completely original" show piece........

Have a scarifier fabricated.

Wheel weight is weight, why not use whatever wheel weights that will fit and/or liquid ballast?
Why in the world would you use a rare collectible antique like this. IMHO There are many modern graders that will do a much better job than the ford hybred grader. . To each their own. I’m just wondering?

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