Ford 2000 hydraulic diverter


New User
Hello from Australia.
I've owned my old ford tractor (believe its a 68 Ford 2000) for around 7 years and has worked well up until recently. The tractor is fitted with what truely appears to be an aftermarket front end loader with cylinders each side and one in the centre of the arms.

My rear 3PTL started to not hold and now wont activate at all.
I am guessing it could be either the hydraulic diverter or 'top plate' of the 3PTL needs rebuilding.
I am not massively mechanically skilled, so thought I would try to replace the hydraulic diverter first.

I've attached a picture of the diverter mounted on top of the gearbox. It has two hydraulic lines going in.
There is a leaver (held back by a bungee strap) which keeps fluid to the front hydraulics. I would pull this leaver forward if I wanted the rear 3PTL to raise or lower.

Can anyone help with what I need to replace the diverter with? I have found online ones that appear for a single hydraulic hose only which I don't think will work.


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That is a spool valve for using double acting rams. By holding the lever forwards the pressure goes to one port and the return to another, by pulling the lever back the oil flow is reversed. Holding the lever in one position allows you to work another valve on your loader. If the lever is in the centre, your lift arms should work. I do not think there is a problem with the spool valve, I would suspect a blown "O" ring or some other problem in the lift itself. Could be piston seal or worn position control cam follower pin. The lift will have to come off for service.
Thanks Majorman. I appreciate the information. I'll check on Youtube as I did find a video on putting a 'kit' through the top lid.
Not a fan of Facebook videos, seen too many that give wrong information. You would be better off finding a workshop manual for the tractor which would help you in so many other ways. The Fordson Club of Australia may also be of help.
Thanks Majorman. I've bought a PDF of the service manual and ordered a gasket kit and new piston from the USA.

I have a couple of questions for anyone who has done this rebuild / refresh before:

Is it advisable to give the lift cylinder a light hone before putting everything back together?
The underside of the top lid has a build up of grease. Is it advisable to give this a good degrease and hit with the powerwasher?
Finally - when reassembling the lift cylinder should I put assembly lube on the mechanical parts, or is the hydraulic fluid sufficient?

Thanks in advance


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