Ford 2000 won’t fire

there is not anything at all on the i terminal but I did check it for 12 volts and it didn’t have 12 volts on it how do I get it to have 12 volts there
This is odd if as sotxbill said the original configuration relied on this for it to fire when it is cranking. You changed the wiring harness so understandably that may not have been included in the new harness. You are checking for power on the “I” terminal when it is cranking? If you don’t have power there in crank it is the wrong solenoid or something have failed inside it. Also, it has been found that the solenoid case molded saying “S” and “I” on the terminals may be used on solenoids that are not set up internally to support that function. The bypass wire normally runs to the coil and not the switch.
I can run a new wire from the key switch that’s no problem but where do I pick up the 12 volts on crank
Have you tried the jumper wire as a temporary way to see if it starts and runs with the jumper. If it does, then we can go to the next step. Right now, the switch and wiring arrangement you have may not work with your new EI system anyway.

If it will not start and run with the jumper wire you have more problems.

If it starts and runs with the jumper you will need to check out the relay (solenoid) to see if it has the ignition bypass function.

And if your EI instructions say to eliminate resistors, you will need to do away with the resistance wire.
The start selonoid I didn’t replace and there is not anything at all on the i terminal but I did check it for 12 volts and it didn’t have 12 volts on it how do I get it to have 12 volts there
The I terminal will only show power... while the solenoid is in the "energized or cranking" mode. if it does not, the contacts inside the solenoid are bad. AND... it must have the correct type of solenoid.
Ok here is where I’m at, I got the starter back today and I also got the coil I ordered in also and it’s a hot coil 55,000 volt so I put the starter on I put the new coil on and I did check the I on the solenoid and it does provide 12 in the crank position so I added the bypass wire which is needed otherwise there is no power to the coil in the crank position so after doing this I still don’t get spark so I removed the coil wire from the distributor and checked it to ground and it does throw spark when I crank it oh and I also put a ground wire from the distributor plate to where the petronix ignitor is mounted I’m still not getting spark to my plugs
If the spark comes out of the coil but does not make it to the spark plugs there is something wrong with the distributor cap and/or rotor. In addition the magnetic ring may not be positioned correctly on the distributor shaft so the rotor and distributor cap plug wire terminal are not lining up properly to transfer the spark. Can you tell if it has a 3 cylinder setup in the distributor? The Petronix number is 1231 for a 3 cylinder, since you purchased an entire distributor maybe there is no marking on the EI module, however the trigger ring would be most likely the incorrect part.
That does make sense, the magnetic ring does not go down as far as I think it should but the bottom half of the ring does sit in front of the ignition module and I did check the ring and the bottom half is the magnet

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