ford 223 6, what is this thing.


Well-known Member
Can someone tell me what the function of the circular thing on lower left of phto with the smaller circle inside on this carb for a ford 223 6?
Thanks. WE got a new Chinese carb as a rebuild kit was almost as expensive as new. There is a dead spot just above idle. I noticed that the thing was not tight on the carb. Tightening it seemed to help some, but not a complete cure.
Thanks. WE got a new Chinese carb as a rebuild kit was almost as expensive as new. There is a dead spot just above idle. I noticed that the thing was not tight on the carb. Tightening it seemed to help some, but not a complete cure.
Below are some links about how that system works. Carburetor and distributor must match, as distributors intended for use with the carburetors with the "spark control" apparently don't have centrifugal advances.

Ford Loadomatic
Thanks for all the info. Engine has vacuum advance. The spark control was on the old carb too. Can anyone tell me how to determine if the vacuum advance is working without taking it out of the distributor?
vacuum pump and see if it pulls it inside distributor. Oreillys will rent you one.

I've checked many a vacuum dashpot by simply moving it's mechanism to it's activated position and then putting a finger over the vacuum port and releasing the mechanism.

If the dashpot is good, the mechanism will stay mostly applied. If bad, it will return to it's unapplied position.
I've checked many a vacuum dashpot by simply moving it's mechanism to it's activated position and then putting a finger over the vacuum port and releasing the mechanism.

If the dashpot is good, the mechanism will stay mostly applied. If bad, it will return to it's unapplied position.

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