Ford 2600 Hydraulic control


As I continue to learn about my new to me 2600..... I ran across the hydraulic control "center" get up on a 2600 for that a factory option? Mine does not have remotes; and BTW am I getting this right: To allow the use if my front end loader and controls, I need to pull out the center knob on the hydraulic control center AND set the draft control all the way up (towards the sky)

Thanks for all your responses.

dual remote.jpg
That looks like some third party dual remote valve setup. I've never seen one like that from Ford.

As for your question about running a loader, does your tractor already have a loader mounted? If shop, how does it operate now?
I assume that’s a photo of the hydraulic remote system you found, if so post a photo of what you have and another of where the loader is plumbed to the tractor
As for the photo that is a aftermarket remote setup, I see them on EBay often, I perfer the original Ford or Tysco remote valves but they are a bit harder to find and double the cost, but worth it to me
That looks like some third party dual remote valve setup. I've never seen one like that from Ford.

As for your question about running a loader, does your tractor already have a loader mounted? If shop, how does it operate now?

Seems to fit nicely. I guess the 2600 had a remote option but mind doesnt have it???

Yes I have a aftermarket loader... aftermarket lever console is mounted up front. To get them to work I need to pull out the middle "auxilllary service valve" (a knob) out and put the draft control up - The instructions are for using a single action remote....Not sure if I am doing it right, dont want to damage...point 2 and 3 is clear as mud. And on point 2 it says to put the draft all the way down...I am putting it all the way up to work!....Worried about the "IMPORTANT: blurb about possibly damaging it...

That’s the optional auxiliary service valve, it diverts fluid from the lift to a remote cylinder, ether on a loader or rear attachment like a wheel disc. With that valve you can operate your loader or 3 point but not at the same time
Does your loader have its own control valve?
>>>Does your loader have its own control valve?

Yes.. I called it the "aftermarket lever console is mounted up front."

>>>That’s the optional auxiliary service valve, it diverts fluid from the lift to a remote cylinder, ether on a loader

Yes, I am aware...its the instruction to put the draft control lever all the way down that confuses me. I need to put it all the way UP to work the loader control valves...
Do you want/need rear remotes? If so, that setup in your first picture would work for that, but I would recommend also adding an HV4902 or HV5902 auxiliary hydraulics plate under the remote valves to power the loader. The HV4902 and HV5902 are pretty much the same except that the HV5902 also has the capability to run "Power Beyond" control valves which allow more than one implement to be powered at the same time, like a loader and a backhoe, or similar.
Do you want/need rear remotes? If so, that setup in your first picture would work for that, but I would recommend also adding an HV4902 or HV5902 auxiliary hydraulics plate under the remote valves to power the loader. The HV4902 and HV5902 are pretty much the same except that the HV5902 also has the capability to run "Power Beyond" control valves which allow more than one implement to be powered at the same time, like a loader and a backhoe, or similar.

Would be nice, but not necessary...just wondered if that was a factory thing....Very interesting idea you present...would be awesome to be able to what sounds like three things...the 3 pt, a loader and a remote. I will jot that down in my notes! Hydraulics are a bit of a mystery to me since I have lanugished under Allis's primitive get ups....
You can add a HV4902 or HV5902 to your existing setup and be able to use the loader and the 3 point lift at the same time.
>>>Does your loader have its own control valve?

Yes.. I called it the "aftermarket lever console is mounted up front."

>>>That’s the optional auxiliary service valve, it diverts fluid from the lift to a remote cylinder, ether on a loader

Yes, I am aware...its the instruction to put the draft control lever all the way down that confuses me. I need to put it all the way UP to work the loader control valves...
The auxiliary control valve was designed to operate the old single hose loaders using the 3 point controls without the need for a separate loader valve
Raising the lift lever raised the loader and lowering the lever allowed the loader to gravity fall back down, lever in the middle held the loader in whatever position you stopped it at
With your separate loader valve the lever must be raised to send fluid to the loader valve, if the valve has a return line back to the tractor fluid will simply continue to circulate through the system with no harmful effects
This setup will work find this way, you just have to pull the valve out for loader operation and puss it in for 3 point
The hv4902 and hv5902 adapters allow you to operate both loader and 3 point without having to use the auxiliary valve for one or the other
I like the 5209’s ORB fittings over the 4209’s pipe threads

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