Ford 2600 steering issue


New User
I've taken apart my power steering column on my 2600 to correct a steering issue. Last time I took it on the highway it would make dramatic lane changes. Scary!! I sensed that the problem was in the control valve area as all other steering components were tight. After removing steering column I disassembled it. Sure enough, the spring washer has self destructed causing excessive play. My probem was that after I removed the control valve the pistons and springs etc fell out. What I'm looking for is a diagram of the correct placement of the components. Any good pictures to refer to? Thanks...Per
A YT member posted this some years ago, I made this as a cheat sheet, so well explained that even I could do it. :)


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If you flatten that thick spring washer til its "flat" you will grenade those roller bearings way down below beneath---the first set of part number 19 ---

hobo_nc had it better- he said tighten that steering nut down with your fingers til the bottom spring washer and whats directly beneath the washer cannot be turned by hand then let it off a nut geometry 1/6th.... and thats what worked for me-

because i had expeditiously followed that other procedure by cranking down that spring washer til it was "flat" and it effed up my roller disk cage with those roller ball bearings and i had to get a new one-- but who knows maybe you wont have that issue and your spring washer wasnt like mine --only one way to find out :)
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