Ford 3000 gas starter

bob p mn

A buddy of mine has a 3000 gasser that started cranking real slow. After doing various checks I told him to pull the starter off and bring it over, he walks up with the starter and the nose is broke off clean. My question is what's the best course of action? It still turned over but slow I would imagine a guy should look inside pull the steering sector? or split it? or leave it be? I've never had to deal with this on a 3 cylinder
Just leave it, there’s a good bit of room in the clutch housing for that piece to lay in
Same thing happen to FIL’s 3000 gas about 5 years ago, put another starter on it and kept going
The clutch is getting worn and we’ll remove that piece of the starter when we split it for the clutch
Glad to hear that is an option to leave it in place, I think he was picking up a starter today from our kind of local starter shop 75 miles away. Not too happy with the life of the one that failed it was a new replacement from New Holland 3 years ago and we had to replace the drive a year ago.

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